TransformTO Net Zero by 2040 Strategy
Climate Mitigation Plan
An ambitious goal for Toronto

The Problem
In 2019, the City of Toronto pledged to achieve net-zero community emissions by 2050 or earlier. The City needed to figure out how to slash emissions and how quickly it could do it.
The Problem
Is there a clear, achievable pathway for Toronto to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner?
MtCO2e greenhouse gas emissions 2019
projected increase in population by 2050
The Solution
SSG’s analysis showed that not only could Toronto achieve net-zero emissions, it could do so by 2040. In December 2021, Toronto City Council passed the TransformTO Net Zero Strategy with a target of net-zero community emissions by 2040, making Toronto the first North American city with such an ambitious goal.
The City set this target after working with SSG and community members to model four different scenarios based on policies and actions the City could implement on differing timelines. Using ScenaCommunity, SSG found that pursuing net zero by 2040 costs less, results in fewer overall emissions, and provides health and well-being benefits to residents sooner than pursuing net zero by 2050. The final actions in TransformTO were also informed by extensive community input gathered through a variety of channels, including a public survey and an advisory group.
The Outcome
TransformTO Net Zero Strategy will result in:
in savings and avoided costs
reduction in energy footprint (reduction of 745km2)
new jobs
*as compared to a business-as-planned scenario. See the TransformTO Net Zero Strategy Technical Report for more details.
Key Takeaways
The technical analysis and level of detail provided by SSG has enabled us to take a data driven approach and has directly contributed to Toronto climate success. The City of Toronto continues to receive extensive, and favourable community support and media attention for the climate action plans.
Sophie Plottel,
Environment & Climate Program Manager, City of Toronto

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