ScenaAdaptation helps communities prepare for and adapt to climate hazards like heat waves, wildfires, floods, landslides, and unpredictable storms.

Our Tool
ScenaAdaptation is a scenario model that quantifies potential social and financial impacts of extreme weather events. The model quantifies the potential costs of damages to buildings and infrastructure, as well as the costs and savings associated with potential adaptation measures. It identifies how risks vary across neighbourhoods, using data on climate trends, demographics, infrastructure, existing hazard responses, local ecosystems, and more.
Scena in Action
Located on the banks of Lake Ontario, Whitby faces a growing flood risk as more frequent and severe storms are expected to cause the lake and local creeks to overflow. SSG worked with the Town of Whitby to develop the Whitby Climate Emergency Response Plan using ScenaAdaptation. The model’s analysis showed that restricting the location of new development can prevent $17 billion in future damage to homes, buildings, and infrastructure that would affect over 9,000 people.
residents fully or partially avoid flood risk
of return on investment in green infrastructure
*comparison of 2070 Adapted vs. 2070 Business-as-Planned scenarios
Contact Us
Want to talk about how ScenaAdaptation could help with planning for future extreme weather events? We’d love to hear from you.