Our Tools


ScenaCorporate helps organizations, government agencies, companies, and institutions identify cost-effective approaches to decarbonize their operations.


Our Tool

ScenaCorporate is an energy, emissions, and financial model for analyzing corporate emissions and decarbonization actions based on bottom-up data on energy systems, buildings, vehicles, equipment, emerging technologies, and relevant policies and trends.

Insights from the model can be integrated into existing asset management systems and be used for reporting to the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.


The model helps determine when and how actions—like retrofitting buildings, electrifying fleets, and building new infrastructure—can be taken to minimize costs while maximizing positive impacts. 

Why ScenaCorporate

It is built for climate action. ScenaCorporate is designed to help large organizations determine the most cost-effective and beneficial way to decarbonize.

It is integrated. ScenaCorporate captures feedback between decarbonization actions to identify how organizations can time and combine actions to reduce the most emissions for the least cost.

It follows the money. ScenaCorporate generates comprehensive financial analyses of the investments, savings, and labour required to implement climate actions.

Contact Us

Want to talk about how ScenaCorporate could help you decarbonize your operations?  We’d love to hear from you.