Our Services

Carbon Budgets & Accounting Frameworks

We set capital budgets to manage fiscal resources. Why not do the same for greenhouse gases? We design frameworks to help institutions to stick to their climate action goals.


We help communities and organizations design and commit to carbon budgets, which set a cap on their emissions. Our carbon accounting frameworks institutionalize these budgets by providing a method for decision-makers to consider greenhouse gas impacts alongside their financial budgets.

Relevant Example

SSG worked with the City of Edmonton to develop and implement Canada’s first carbon budget, which sets a legal cap on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions the community can emit.

To help Edmonton stay on track, SSG developed a carbon accounting framework with a standardized method for the City to account for greenhouse gas emissions and a climate lens to evaluate the greenhouse gas impact of decisions. The framework became the third leg of Edmonton’s formal budgetting process.

Read more about Edmonton’s Carbon Budget.


city in Canada with carbon budget


budget requests evaluated for GHG impacts

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Interested in a carbon budget for your community?