Insights and Analysis

How US states can use solar to meet their climate targets


Esteban Soto

24th June 2024

A newly published study co-authored by SSG’s Esteban Soto confirms that in some states, solar energy could achieve state GHG emissions reduction goals.

In my role as a consultant and modeler at SSG, I sometimes encounter skepticism towards the feasibility and viability of renewable energy to meet our energy needs. Does renewable energy provide a viable path for the US states to meet their emissions reduction targets?

Absolutely, but it’s complicated. When I collaborated on research to investigate this issue, I found that a massive integration of solar energy across the electrical grid can support some states in achieving their greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. The study, which was recently published in the journal Energies, found that California, Arizona, New Mexico, and part of Nevada can achieve state greenhouse gas emission reduction goals by exclusively shifting to solar energy. In less sunny regions, such as New York and the six states that comprise New England, solar energy has a smaller impact on emissions. Even so, it can play an important role in diversifying the energy supply and improving resilience to extreme weather and other impacts of climate change.

Does renewable energy provide a viable path for the US states to meet their emissions reduction targets?

Absolutely, but it’s complicated.

solar energy can play a central role in decarbonizing sunny states like California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada

Drawing on hourly energy use data from the US Department of Energy, my collaborators and I assessed how much energy use could be supplied by integrating solar power facilities into the California, New England, New York, and the Southwest power grids to meet each region’s hourly energy needs throughout a full year. Then, we quantified potential reductions in carbon emissions resulting from the integration of solar power facilities in these regions. We also explored how varying levels of solar energy adoption across these regions could help meet state greenhouse gas reduction goals.

The findings underscore that solar energy can play a central role in decarbonizing sunny states like California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada. To capitalize on it, policymakers can enhance solar-focused initiatives and incorporate them into state energy strategies.

California has successfully boosted solar adoption by  implementing financial incentives, such as tax credits, rebates, and net-metering policies, to make rooftop solar more attractive and affordable for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Local and state governments in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada could replicate California’s success with similar policies to accelerate progress toward their emission reduction targets. At the same time, these states should not rely solely on solar for their energy needs: this could lead to energy shortages during periods of low sunlight. To build a reliable and resilient energy system, policies should promote a balanced mix of renewable resources, along with energy storage.

In cloudier regions like New York and New England, solar energy can still serve as an integral component of a comprehensive energy strategy to diversify energy sources and enhance grid resilience. In these states, encouraging decentralized smaller scale installations of solar systems such as community solar projects allows solar to contribute to the energy supply efficiently, even with variable weather conditions. In addition to reducing reliance on fossil fuels and, by extension, greenhouse gas emissions, solar projects enhance energy resilience by providing backup during power outages.

To build a reliable and resilient energy system, policies should promote a balanced mix of renewable resources, along with energy storage.

Since this study was conducted, the cost of solar has continued to decrease. This means the integration of solar energy production outlined in this study is even more affordable.

The bottom line: Policies and incentives that support solar energy can significantly contribute to the US energy transition away from fossil fuels, even in states with gloomier weather.

Research Paper

Reduction in Emissions by Massive Solar Plant Integration in the US Power Grid


Fossil fuels, the predominant energy source in the United States, have been identified as major contributors to environmental pollution through the release of harmful emissions. As a countermeasure, there has been an increasing focus on the exploration and development of cleaner energy alternatives to alleviate the environmental degradation caused by fossil fuels and to satisfy the growing energy needs. This study conducted scenario analyses to evaluate the impact of integrating solar energy into specific US power grids on reducing carbon emissions. The analysis encompassed electrical systems within California, New England, New York, and the Southwest, utilizing datasets from the Energy Information Administration and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The Energy Information Administration dataset includes information on net generation according to each source and carbon emissions according to fuel type, whereas the National Renewable Energy Laboratory dataset provides hourly projections for 6000 theoretical photovoltaic installations and detailed solar energy output data every five minutes over a year. Our findings indicated a notable decrease in carbon dioxide emissions following the introduction of solar power facilities. The most significant reductions were observed in the Southwest and California, attributed to solar plant integration. Conversely, New York and New England were identified as regions requiring additional policy measures and incentives to meet the emission reduction goals.


Esteban A. Soto, Ebisa Wollega, Alexander Vizcarrondo Ortega, Andrea Hernandez-Guzman, Lisa Bosman





About the Author

Esteban Soto (he/him/el)

Esteban (he/him/el) analyzes energy processes and emissions, while advocating for the integration of innovative technologies. His passion for renewable energy and climate change mitigation drives him to improve energy efficiency and develop sustainable solutions. Esteban advances hourly energy modelling, an approach that significantly improves the integration and efficiency of renewable energy systems.

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