Climate Action Planning Quickstart Guide for States & Metro Regions

Demystifying the CPRG process
14th April 2023
SSG has published a Climate Action Planning Quickstart Guide to demystify the CPRG and provide guidance to US communities on how to develop a climate action plan.
Climate Action Planning Quickstart Guide for States & Metro Regions
SSG has prepared this guide to help states and metro regional governments navigate the planning process that addresses the EPA’s priorities for climate action planning. It is informed by SSG’s extensive experience working with cities and regional governments on climate action planning and implementation projects, as well as current best practices.
You can download the guide here.
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is providing billions of dollars to advance local government climate action planning. It is a massive opportunity for American communities to take unprecedented action. In a recent blog post, we outline how the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) funding stream of the IRA can catalyze climate action planning for states, metro-regions, Tribes, and Territories.
For communities without a climate action plan, preparing the budget and workplan necessary to apply for CPRG funding can feel daunting.
To help demystify the CPRG, SSG drew on decades of our community climate action planning experience to create the Climate Action Planning Quickstart Guide for States & Metro Regions. The Quickstart Guide explains the essential CPRG components and provides guidance on how to develop an effective, implementation-ready climate action plan.
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